There is a Wordpress dot com site called Steve's Play Rock Guitar tips.
There is a blog with loads of tips and tips on it. 

Help on finding out which type of music is your passion, which instrument to play and more.  To check it out go here, Steve's Play Rock Guitar Blog.
This another useful guitar resource at Squidoo dot com.  A Playing Rock Guitar Squidoo Lens.  A lens is similar to a hub, it is a central page all about a certain topic with mini sections covering each bit.

This squidoo lens had how I decided to play guitar and how you might too.  It has guitar videos, guitar ebooks and information on other guitar related stuff.  Also will have some beginner rock tabs on it.

You can check it out here at,
Playing Rock Guitar Squidoo Lens.
This post is some information on another useful resource.  It is about a Hub, on Playing Rock Guitar at Hubpages dot com. 

To explain to you, a hub is a page exploring a topic in full and can have several mini posts, videos and pictures on it.

This rock guitar hub has information on why you might start playing guitar, picking the right guitar for you.  How to get started playing, also there is your riff for beginners which you can progress the difficulty.  It has advice on the next steps for your playing and other resource you can use.

To see the hub on Hubpages go here,
Playing Rock Guitar Hub.